Is there a definitive bottle of absinthe? The D&C book usually calls for Vieux Pontarlier, but I can't seem to find a bottle of it. Pernod is readily available, but I'm not sure that they are interchangeable bottles.

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They are not fully interchangeable. I wouldn't use Pernod in anything that called for a 1/2 ounce or more. But for sprays, drops, and dashes (Sazerac, Tuxedo No 2, Corpse Reviver No 2, and, if you're feeling adventurous, Daiquiri) Pernod works quite well.

I have been working down a bottle of Leopold Bros. absinthe for a long time, and it's great.

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Can you sub the Leopoldo Bros for the VP?

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This is a great drink. Nicely balanced - if a little sweet for me, and of course the color is just beautiful. This is what the phony(?) pictures of the Aviation look like. I think I like the flavor of the Aviation better, but when my garden is in full flower in a couple of months, I'll drink one of these when conducting a tour.

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Glad you like it!

FWIW, I did discover that the purple comes through in photos much more clearly if you use an external light. (I happen to have a cheap ring light that I got for pandemic zoom/video purposes, and as soon as I turned it on, the purple color became much more distinctly visible.) I don't consider that a cheat, since the actual drink is the same. But a bit of photo lighting did make a difference in the image I was able to capture.

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