If you’re looking for caraway, don’t forget about Aquavit. Dave Arnold has an incredibly geeky Aquavit/Mint cocktail (the Carvone) in the liquid nitrogen section of Liquid Intelligence. The main flavor component molecules of caraway and mint are mirror images of each other, a fact often mentioned in intro organic chemistry courses.

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This is an interesting idea and a good point. I usually keep a bottle of Linie around, and make a bunch of different things with it. It’s great! But I think of aquavit as being about dill more than caraway, and it it doesn’t read to me as St Patty’s Day - friendly in the same way that whiskey does. (My Irish drinking pals are all whiskey drinkers.)

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My idea as well -- and it still works with the Irish theme, given the number of Vikings who invaded there.

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Battle of Clontarf! Whiskey overpowers aquavit 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Clontarf

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Was going to ask the same thing (if you’d played around with aquavit or kümmel for this one)

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I feel like kümmel was having a moment in the DC cocktail scene a couple years ago

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Carney Stone? We’ve got our eyes on you Suderman.

Tonight I made Irish Poetry. Maybe I’ll share the recipe.

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